Have you read Stephen Covey book? “The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People” This post isn’t a review about the book.
I’m yet to read the book, actually, it’s on my to read book list.
I wanted to title this post “6 Habits of Highly Successful People” but I was concerned about how most people understand success.
When you hear the word success, what comes to your mind first? Money, right.
When you talk about success the first place most people want to look at is bank account. But the thing is, money is simply one of the things of life that we can measure success with.
But success can be different thing for different people.
For example, on completion of this post, I have just recorded success, success in one part of my business and more importantly I was happy that I’m becoming effective, happiness which is very important because happiness and fulfilment are what we are all seeking.
The truth is, we record success every day but we don’t measure it, we don’t celebrate it and we don’t activate that part of our brain that releases endorphin that makes us feel better and more confidence to do more.
How we define success will definitely affect how we experience happiness and fulfilment in business and in life.
And about money, don’t get me wrong, money is important. Someone stated it clearly enough for me, “money is not everything life but it’s ranked up there with oxygen” money is essential to our existence.
But then, we should not neglect to measure our little daily, weekly, monthly, yearly accomplishments which is aggregated to form the bigger picture we seek.
Being effective should be the ultimate goal of human existence, and to be effective you need to become better.
These 6 Habits will help you become a better version of yourself:
1. Reading
Reading is one way to learn what you don’t know.
One thing I have found out is that we are all living based on our knowledge about life. We live by what we know, what we don’t know becomes our limitations.
If we know more about love we will love more, if we know more about writing we will write great posts, books, if we know more about business we will build scalable business, same goes to relationships, finances and every other thing we hope to achieve.
Could you think of the easiest way to know what you don’t know as human? Reading.
There are people who have taken time to write about their experience, what worked for them and what didn’t work, what they learnt and how they navigated through issues in their journey, the knowledge we need today to become effective in every of our dealings is rightly available today in forms of blog post and books, the challenge for most people is developing the habit to read these experiences and knowledge and build wisdom and skills with them.
We came into this world with a sacrosanct mind, our outcome in the issues of business and in life will largely depend on the knowledge and information we have gathered. When you have the right knowledge you make better decisions and take effective actions which lead to accomplishments.
Reading helps you learn the right knowledge and information in the essential aspects of your business and life.
Learning shouldn’t end after school, learning should be a life long exercise.
Whenever I finish reading a good blog post or book, I feel wiser, I feel like I have just sucked the wisdom of the writer, as a writer, I learn one or two things to improve my own writings, If it’s a health book, I learn about being healthy.
Reading can help you improve your knowledge, philosophy about business and life, and also a better writer.
2. Discipline
No worthy course is easy to accomplish, If it’s easy everybody will be doing it, and everybody will be successful, understanding this and still keep showing up, that is actually what makes you and an entrepreneur.
Every efficient structure in life has blueprint for its construction, you need discipline to build the structures of your business and life.
3. Learning
Understanding the fact that learning is a lifelong process can change your life for good. This understanding is changing my life.
Many people feel learning ends with a degree or whatever. They consciously stop learning after college. Also, many people feel because they are not opportune to go to college they can’t learn.
We are living in a digital age today, you can literally learn anything you wish to learn. if there is anything you need to know to create for yourself a better life you can learn them.
With an open mind about learning, you will be amazed by what you could learn every day.
The school of life never stops teaching us. Life principles are interpreted in every of our daily interactions and dealings with life, be a conscious learner.
4. Keep a journal
One of my heroes by the name Jim Rohn will say “don’t trust your memory, write it down”
Trusting your memory can be risky.
The memory already has a lot of work to do, it needs to recall how we brush our teeth, our plan for the day, our way home, the name of that pretty girl you just meant. Trusting it with important ideas can be risky. So the best thing to is to jot it down.
keeping notes of important ideas, thoughts and information can be very useful. Someday, those ideas, thoughts, or information can be mixed up (idea sex as James Althucher will call it) to form one great idea, which can turn out to become one great company, post, book, solution etc.
Ideas can flash through the conscious mind any time, any day and if they are not captured as fast as they pass by, they can be lost forever.
Have a note and pen or a note app on your mobile devices to capture ideas, thoughts and tips as you go through your day.
5. Teach
“A glass that is full, can it contain more? Yes, if you pour out from it” Jim Rohn
In case you feel you will have knowledge overload, share what you have learned, teach what you know, help make the world more informed or skilled.
As you learn and teach, you know more and you will become expert (business asset)
The thing about sharing what you know is that the more you share the more you are encouraged to learn more and become more effective in your business and in life.
You will be helping to cure the world ignorance disease.
6. Right mindset towards growth
Anything in life that has the attribute of growth takes time to manifest its growth attribute.
This is bases of life, we just need to learn and adapt, to work with natural laws not against them.
If you want something tomorrow you need to start working for it today
What habit(s) is changing your life for good? Please share in the comment section.
Also, share with your friends, they might love a read and i will appreciate the kind gesture.