As you already know, Facebook is one of the largest social media network in the world, the platform has over 2 billion monthly users.
The large audience on facebook has made it a good place for most people to socialise, business and professionals are also leveraging the platform to optimise their business and professional activities.
Facebook has 3 sub platforms, these sub platforms support most of the activities we engage in the real world as social beings
These 3 sub platforms include:
Facebook Profile
Profile on facebook serves as a platform to connect with friends and family, share experiences and interact with one another. Facebook profile is specifically meant for socialising personally.
Facebook group
Group in the Facebook platform allows us to create connect, interact, share thoughts, ideas and opinion with people with similar interests. Facebook Group allows us to create a community on the Facebook platform.
Facebook page
The Facebook page is for businesses and professionals, it’s created to help businesses and professionals (sports, writers, law firms, doctors, etc) run their activities on the Facebook platform.
One of the things that inspired me to write this guide is that I see on several occasions, lots of people running their business or engaging in some of their professional activities on their Facebook Profile.
If you are running your business or professional activities on your personal profile and you don’t have a Facebook business page, you might be missing out of some tools and features on Facebook that can help you scale your activities.
There are lots of benefits of having a Facebook business or professional page, some of them include:
1. Knowledge about your audience
Facebook page has tools like insight that can help you know who your audience are, like there age, gender, location, etc. This information can help you make important and better decisions about your business or profession.
2. Brand Loyalty
Facebook helps you to know people who are really interested in your business or in what you do. When people go out on their way to like your page it shows that they want to be updated about what is happening in your business or career.
3. Unlimited fan list
Unlike profile which has 5,000 friends list limit, Facebook page fan list are unlimited, you can have thousands of people who like your page
4. Separate your personal life with business
With Facebook page you will be able to differentiate your business and personal life, this helps you wear the right mindset when engaging with people on facebook platform.
5. Ability to assign admin role
You can keep your business activities runing even when you are not around, you can give someone permission to run things without compromising your privacy, this is unlike Facebook Profile where you have to give out your credentials for people to be able to access your Facebook profile.
6. Access to advertising tool
This for me is one major reason why you should have a Facebook page, Facebook page allows us to have access to Facebook advertising tool which you can use to reach more people by investing in advertising.
The bottomline here is, if you have a business or you engage in any form of professional activities, Facebook page will give you a better platform and tools to manage and run your business or professional activities.
If you don’t know how to create a Facebook page, don’t worry, we will learn to do that in the next few steps:

You can create a Facebook page using your smartphone or personal computer, let me show you how:
How to create a Facebook page with a smartphone
Just to bring to your notice, on the Facebook page creation with smartphone, i used a screenshot of the standard Facebook Android App for this guide.
The location of buttons and key features might be different from your own mobile view, based on the OS, mobile app, app version and the type of phone you are using, so put these things into consideration when following this guide, if they are not clear to you simply use a personal computer and follow the guide below on creating Facebook page with personal computer.
Let’s get started:
To create a Facebook page you need to login to your Facebook personal account.
When you are logged in, then take the following steps to create a Facebook page:
Step 1: At the top right on your home view, click on the three dashes.

That is it, you have just created a Facebook page with your smartphone.
In the next section, we will look at how to create a Facebook page using a PC.
How to create a Facebook page using a computer
Step 1: After signing into your Facebook account through a browser, at the left side of your timeline where you will find the create option, click on page.

Note: to get options of categories you need to provide few words that best describe your category your page belong

That is it, your page is created. For more settings…
You can use the settings button at the top right of your page

Also, explore other settings on the page to see how things work and set up your business or professional page.
I hope you find this guide helpful. If you have any questions feel free to drop them in the comment sections.